

released in 2020 by Infacted-Recordings

peak: 02 | weeks: 08 @ GEWC
peak: 56 | iTunes Global Charts South Africa
peak: 05 | iTunes Alternative Charts South Africa
peak: 27 | Amazon Alternative Charts Germany


  1. Burn Down This House From The Inside (Polished Version)
  2. Try Again (Polished Version)
  3. Das Ist Alles (Polished Version)
    play this song stop playing
  4. Es Ist So Einfach (Polished Version)
  5. Es Ist Nie Still (Polished Version)
  6. Carnival (Polished Version)
  7. Watching Movies (Polished Version)
  8. Too Precious For This World (Polished Version)
  9. Motionless Scene (Feat. Kiara M.E.)
    play this song stop playing
  10. Sorry (Feat. Kiara M.E.)
  11. Blood Red Roses (Feat. Kiara M.E.)
  12. It Is Over (Feat. Kiara M.E.)


Burn Down This House From The Inside

Strophe 1

a love is like a house
and we had ours
but this seems so far away
the walls were so high
they kept us safely inside
I just wanted to stay
but then came a time
when you had made up your mind
I had to watch you go
and a ruin remained
up to this very day
it´s time to tear down the walls

Strophe 2

a love is like a house
and we had ours
but this is long ago
and a ruin remained
up to this very day
it´s time to tear down the walls


it´s like carving deep scars in my skin
but I don´t feel any pain
I burn down this house from the inside
and I feel like falling asleep
it´s getting harder to breathe
but I´m not going to leave until the fire is out


I´ve waited much too long
to do what must be done
it is time for letting go
when a river has run dry
everything around will die
and it´s the best to move on


Try Again

Strophe 1

a second close to your skin
eye to eye while we are dancing
and nothing will remain
you´re a stranger and so I am
someone said the party is over
but I can´t see anyone leaving
now don´t be shy and just come closer
save the last dance for me

Strophe 2

the crowd is cruel like the flood
they are making their way right between us
and I try to pull you back
but you´re already miles away
waving hands in the dark
the magic ends with a new dawning
this could be the big big love
if you take a chance on me


try, try again
even though it does not feel familiar
try, try again
it is just one step away from your shelter
and I swear it won´t kill you
if you dare to take a look at what is behind
try, try again
and you may never be the same


Das Ist Alles

Strophe 1

Wir sind gefangen in den Zwängen unserer goldenen Zeit
Im Prinzip haben wir alles, doch es nützt uns rein gar nichts
Unser Anspruch ist groß - wir wollen schön sein und reich
Und wir laufen jedem Trend hinterher

Wir brauchen Platz, brauchen Liebe, brauchen Inspiration
Wir suchen Halt in Gedanken an vergangene Tage
Wir waren frei und voller Motivation
Doch nun fühlen wir uns verbraucht und so leer

Strophe 2

Wir stecken fest im Dilemma und kein Weg führt hinaus
In unseren Köpfen tragen wir so viele Ideale
Wer nicht mithalten kann, der gibt irgendwann auf
Und es werden jeden Tag immer mehr


Du bist gefangen im goldenen Käfig
Dich treibt die Angst um, alles zu verlieren
Ihn zu verlassen - nein, das geht nicht
Sagt Dir die Stimme in Deinem Hirn


Das ist alles, was übrig bleibt
Wir tanzen durch die Nacht bis uns der Morgen erreicht
Noch ein letztes Stück, dann kehrt der Tag zurück

Und alles, was wir sein wollen, zerfällt zu Staub
Das Mädchen, das dort tanzt, das ist eigentlich Taub
Und der Typ neben ihr, der ist jede Nacht wieder hier


Es Ist So Einfach

Strophe 1

Wieder stehst Du seit Stunden
Vor dem Fenster und blickst stumm hinaus
Auch die Regentropfen verstummen
Als der Wind sie an die Scheibe haut
Und dann wieder die Worte in Deinem Gedächtnis
Was daraus wird, das hast Du selbst in der Hand
Du läufst los und stoppst erst an der Straße
Wo letzte Nacht Dein neues Leben begann

Strophe 2

Wieder stehst Du seit Stunden
Vor dem Fenster und blickst stumm hinaus
Du bist so tief in Gedanken versunken
Du hältst dieses Warten einfach nicht mehr aus
Und dann hörst Du die Worte die alles verändern
Deine Ängste und Zweifel fallen in sich zusammen
Du läufst los und stoppst erst an der Straße
Wo letzte Nacht Dein neues Leben begann


Es ist nicht wichtig, es zu verstehen
Es kommt drauf an es einfach anzunehmen
Auch wenn es gleich Deine Welt verdreht
Ist es das Beste was geschieht
Es ist das Größte was es gibt


Es ist so einfach und so wunderschön
Es ist alles aber nicht zu verstehen
Es war auf einmal da - stellt sich mitten in Dein Leben
Du atmest ein, Du atmest aus
Du atmest ein, Du atmest aus


Es Ist Nie Still

Strophe 1

Diese Stadt ist mein Zuhause, meine Zuflucht, meine letzte Bastion
Als ich vor vielen Jahren herkam war gleich klar: ich bin hier herzlich willkommen
Ich schlug meine Wurzeln tief in den Asphalt
Doch die Stadt, sie ist lebendig und sie wächst und ändert ihre Gestalt

Strophe 2

Vielleicht bin ich zu alt, ich glaub ich hab den Anschluss verloren
Es ist hier überall so laut - zumindest kommt´s mir so vor
Alle sind rastlos und ich find nicht in den Schlaf
Die Stadt tickt heute anders, als noch vor einigen Jahren


Diese Stadt ist zu groß
Ich fühl mich klein
Hier ist immer was los
Von spät bis früh um neun
Einfach zu viele Menschen
Es ist nie still
Und wenn ich mich schlafen leg
Wird´s schon wieder hell


Ich schließ die Augen und träum von grünen Wäldern
Ich hatte so oft vor alles zu ändern
doch ich komm einfach nicht los von Dir
Ich mag das Treiben vor der Tür
So viele Erinnerungen hängen an diesen Wänden
Zu viel um loszulassen, das Kapitel zu beenden
Lass uns in zwanzig Jahren nochmal drüber reden
So lange leb ich weiter jenseits von Eden



Strophe 1

I am not here to ask for redemption
I know it´s late but I wanted to mention
that our fate lies still in our hands
but I can´t talk things over again

my lazy way was not meant bad at all
but you deserve a lot more, I know
I can't imagine being without you now
no I can´t, no I can´t

Strophe 2

I am not here to ask for redemption
I know it´s late but I need your attention
I still have faith I´d like to give it a chance
but I can´t if you don´t comprehend

I take the blame for stealing your heart
I´d also suffer if we were apart
I can´t forget the way that you made me laugh
no I can´t, no I can´t


you´re like a Carnival
all the colors are starting to glow
and if I only had just one day
I would stay here with you and watch you watch the parade
it is forever
yeah, I apologize for everything that I´ve done
the biggest thing, that I could have done wrong
would have been breaking up with you


Watching Movies


it´s really cold outside
but my friends are going out tonight
they are calling me on the telephone
but I say: "sorry, I cannot go"
(but I say: "sorry, I´ll stay at home")
I have a rendezvouz with my couch
I turn the tv on and make it loud
and I pick some of the titles out
out of movies with Daisy Ridley


Daisy Ridley, Daisy Ridley
I´m watching movies with Daisy Ridley
Daisy Ridley, Daisy Ridley
I´m watching movies


you don´t need a lightsaber
to become my life saver
and you don´t need the force
cause you will always be adored


Too Precious For This World

Strophe 1

are you alone and full of doubt?
are you afraid of what is next to come?
have you lost your faith in the world?
and do you feel, that everything is going wrong?

Strophe 2

you are so weak, you could sleep all day
and at night you are running thru the haze
strange fears are keeping you awake
anywhere you go - you´re still feeling the same way


I know these times are really tough
you and I should better stick together
and whatever is coming up - I ´ll promise you
it will not last forever


don ´t don ´t give up
please don ´t don ´t give up
no don ´t don ´t give up
you are too precious
(you are too precious, love)
you are too precious for this world


you and I do as best as we can
but all depends on many stupid men
they are so blind and they´ve got no visions
we are lost - if we don´t change a thing

we´ve got no choice, we can't surrender
this has effects on any age or gender
it´s all up to our next decisions
we are lost - if we don´t change a thing


Motionless Scene

Strophe 1

in a different life you would have never ever
let me down like this
I did not realize we were not made for each other
did not see the signs when we last kissed

Strophe 2

I´m asking myself - could I have done any better
but it was you who left me in a mess
I don't apologize for things we did together
should have better put you to the test


yeah I cannot believe it was easy for you
to just leave me behind
and I cannot forget that I thought it was true
when you said, that you were mine


sometimes sometimes it´s hard to pretend
everything is okay
it would be easier to hold your hand
and let you lead the way
sometimes sometimes I feel like I´m lost
in a motionless scene
and I´m dreaming of you
you pick me up and carry me


I am not afraid
in the coming days
I will survive the pain
and all I ask of you
is to tell the truth
cause you´re the one to blame



Strophe 1

can I have your attention
for a little while
let us talk about you and me
and the end last night
I was so happy to see you
after all this time
I did not know that you´re still hurt
I thought that you were fine

we are running in circles
don´t want to start again
we talked it over and over
we both have different plans
yes it´s true that I miss you
but in a different way
and if you change your point of view
we can be friends one day

Strophe 2

can I have your attention
just for one last time
you know it´s really hard for me
to see you so deprived

yes it´s true that I miss you
but in a different way
you should not feel bad about me
and we´ll be friends one day


I´m sorry for this
didn´t know how it is
for you to see me
and I am sorry for those
evil words that I spoke
I didn´t mean it, you must believe me


please believe me, yeah you must believe in me
I didn´t want to hurt you - didn´t want to
but you know I had to leave


Blood Red Roses

Strophe 1

are you feeling good today?
are you in love with someone?
if you were not, what would you say?
would you try to change it?

Strophe 2

are you feeling good today?
you´ve been alone for so long
and every night you start again
to find the one to stay with


it´s not easy to explain
the more you try the more you fail
and after all it´s just the same
come with me and I´ll show you


silence won´t take you anywhere
but I can if you are brave and dare to follow me
and in the end we will spend the night
on a bed of blood red roses
and in the morning we´ll wake up
feeling bad, misplaced and numb
all the roses have turned to dust
and you will leave in silence


It Is Over

Strophe 1

motionless, all in white
the world has now stopped turning for a while
and I am sad and I don´t know why
maybe because I´ve been thinking too much of you an I

Bridge 1

what you´ve said, it makes no sense
and now we face the consequence
should I try to understand or die?
you´ve ruined all my memories
when you took your love away from me
I do not know if I can sleep tonight

Strophe 2

I take a step, I cut the ties
it won´t be easy but it´s gonna be alright
and I am sad and how could I be fine
this is the end of a world that I have once called mine

Bridge 2

what I have said was an excuse
I didn't want you to feel used
you should know that I have changed over time
if you want to put the blame on me
for turning this into a tragedy
you forget that I am suffering alike


I cover my ears
and I´m starting to scream
I know that it´s over, I know that it´s over
and I fall to my knees
and I´m starting to weep
because it is over, because it is over between you and me


all I want is a simple life
I don´t need your soothing lies
well I never, well I never
all are losing in this game
you should really be ashamed
for treating me this way